Friday, August 30, 2013

Infinite Samis

I just finished watching Charlie McDonnell's new video called Infinite Charlies. It's about how the universe, given enough space, will have to repeat itself. The universe can not come up with infinite combinations of elements, so that number -immensely large as it is- can be measured, it is finite. This fact, along with the most recent scientific belief that the universe is infinitely large, means a conclusion can be drawn. Hang in there with me. The idea is that, given enough space, the universe will be forced to repeat itself, just because there aren't enough combinations. That being true, that means that there is, theoretically, another you reading this exact post on your very screen in this exact solar system somewhere else in the universe. Freaky, huh?

I find theories like that quite interesting, and so I'll be taking a class at my high school called Physical Universe first semester. It is described as "an introduction to the basic ideas behind quantum physics, the theory of relativity, and string theory. These theories will be compared to classical Newtonian physics. This course explored the universe from the smallest particles to the largest structures in space, including how stars live and die, black holes, and the Big Bang theory."

Thomas Edison's last words were: "It's very beautiful over there." I don't know where there is, but I believe it's somewhere, and I hope it's beautiful. ~Looking For Alaska by John Green 

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