Sunday, June 23, 2013

Day 1- Doctor Who challenge

I know this was supposed to span over 30 days, but that seemed like way too long when I could easily answer all of the questions right now (:

1. Favorite Doctor- David Tennant
2. Favorite companion- Amy
3. Least favorite companion- Martha
4. Favorite villain- Dalek, weeping angel
5. Favorite aliens- the Face of Boe, Silurian, weeping angel
6. Favorite special episode- The Christmas Invasion
7. Favorite season- 5
8. Least favorite season- 7 part 1
9. Favorite Master- John Simm
10. Saddest episode- Van Gogh
11. Funniest episode- New Earth
12. Episode that scared you the most- The Empty Child
13. Favorite theme song- Matt Smith
14. Character you like that everyone else hates- Rose
15. Most annoying character- Mickey
16. Favorite actor- Arthur Darville
17. Least favorite actor- Noel Clarke (Mickey)
18. Favorite actress- Karen Gillan
19. Least favorite actress- Freema Agyeman (Martha)
20. Favorite writer- Moffat
21. Favorite couple- Amy and Rory
22. Favorite friendship- 11 and Amy
23. Favorite doctor who spin-off- Torchwood
24. Favorite quote-
"Look at the sky. It's not dark and black and without character. The black is, in fact deep blue. And over there: lighter blue and blowing through the blues and blackness the winds swirling through the air and then shining, burning, bursting through: the stars! And you see how they roar their light. Everywhere we look, the complex magic of nature blazes before our eyes."
25. Favorite doctor who catchphrase- I'm sorry, i'm so sorry
26. Favorite doctor gadget- sonic screwdriver
27. Favorite interview- I honestly can't narrow it down
28. Favorite gif-

29. Favorite guest star- Carey Mulligan (Sally Sparrow)
30. When did you become a fan of doctor who? When one of my friends showed it to me, I immediately got hooked, and have been a Whovian ever since.

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