Wednesday, June 5, 2013


That post finals haze. When you're so brain dead from trying to recover the information that you somehow swept the cobwebs off of just in time to take the test. That time when you realize how close you are to summer, no matter how much it doesn't feel like June.
Side note- when its the beginning of June and the weather is still 50, cloudy, and rainy, it doesn't tend to inspire many feelings of summertime, at least not to me.... #thanksobama. 
In the spirit of finals season, I used all of the powers of the interweb (well, google) to find some information about all night study sessions.
According to UCLA researchers, increased study time does lead to overall better academics, but not when sleep is forfeit.
I admit to having my fair share of late school nights, although not always for academic reasons. One instance in particular I remember was staying up late to finish the new season of arrested development, which I convinced myself that I HAD to finish right that moment. I wound up hitting the hay around 3 am, generously giving my brain a whole 3 hours to recover before having to function fully again. The next day was hazy and unfocused, fueled by the diet coke I had to drink with breakfast to be able to walk out the door.
Oh yeah, and I had completely forgotten about the math final that day. I walked into math - I'm a good student, don't get me wrong- and started my final. I stared at problems for a few minutes before the problem would actually sink into my brain. Simple problems seemed x10 more difficult.  Needless to say, it wasn't my proudest moment as a student.
According to these same researchers, keeping a consistent sleep schedule and study schedule helps students to learn better and to stay more focused.

If you're in school, good luck with finals, and what are your best and worst study habits? Leave a comment and I'll be sure to respond. 
If you're interested in reading the article, here's the link!!
Hello, hello- Missy Higgins
That wasn't me- Brandi Carlile
Nobody knows me at all- The Weepies

Until next time, 

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