Sunday, June 2, 2013

Summertime Blues

At this time of year, there are actually a lot of reasons to be sad. If you're a high school senior, maybe you're saying goodbye to a lot of people you know you will never see again. Maybe that's something you're actually happy about. But if you're like me, a lot of your closest friends are going off in their own directions, whether that be off to college to continue their lives or off to summer camp, where they'll undoubtedly have the best time of their life, without you.

But there are plenty of ways to cure the summertime blues. You could make a summertime checklist (I refuse to call it a bucket list, because that's for when you're going to kick the bucket, and I don't plan to kick the bucket by the end of the summer, but i'd love to finish this list, incomplete as it is), and see who you can rope into completing it with you. The most important thing when creating a bucket list is make things manageable, and make a good amount of them things you can do for free (it makes it a lot easier to do them all). Also I don't claim to have made any of these lists, I found most of them on tumblr.

Or you could sit inside by yourself all day enjoying one of the following shows (all of which are on netflix).
~The Office
~Parks and Recreation
~Doctor Who
~Arrested Development
~Saturday Night Live (past episodes)
~The Walking Dead

Lastly, you could read some of these books, they're all on my summer reading list so far.
~Looking for Alaska- John Green
~Sherlock Holmes- Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
~ The Sword of Truth (series)- Terry Goodkind
~ Witch World- Christopher Pike
~ World War Z- Max Brooks
~ Ender's Game- Orson Scott Card
~ An Abundance of Katherines- John Green
~Will Grayson, Will Grayson- John Green
~The Hobbit- JRR Toklien
~Confessions of an Ugly Stepsister- Gregory Maguire
~The Wicked Years (series)- Gregory Maguire
~Delirium (series)- Lauren Oliver

Any other ideas for beating the summer blues? Leave a comment and i'll be sure to respond!

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