Monday, July 8, 2013

Days 14-21

Wow, I've been putting this off because I've been in Colorado for the past week, which has been beautiful, but I've also been very busy. SORRY FOR BEING A SLACKER

Day 14- A date you'd love to go on
My idea of a great date is feeling extremely comfortable around the person that i'm with, not worrying about how I look or the things that I say, and lots of laughter (: Specifically though, a candlelit dinner, stargazing, mini golf, or a concert would all be great nights out, although a night in would also be equally romantic.

Day 15- The best things to happen to you this week
This week, I was in Colorado with my softball team, and a lot of good things happened, but here are a few highlights.
~ I went white water rafting for the second time, and it was awesome to get thrown around on the rapids.
~ My cousins who I only see once a year came to watch me play, and I played very well with them there, which was good. Its always hard to connect with family that you hardly see, but it's awesome to see them there supporting me.
~ Bonding with my team this week was awesome, although it did wind up being a little much after a week of never having a break from them, but it was good overall.
~ I laughed and smiled a lot more than usual this week, which is always good (:

Day 16- 3 things you're proud of about your personality
1. I'm proud of my ability to stay calm when i'm angry and frustrated, and be able to find a solution that actually solves the problem, versus getting mad and making the problem worse.
2. I'm proud of my loyalty to my friends and family. I can make fun of them, but if anyone else goes there, they're dead meat. (Kidding, or am I?)
3. I'm proud of how quickly I learn things. I think its a main part of the reason why school hasn't been quite as bad as some people seem to think that it is, I enjoy learning because I retain information that I find interesting pretty well.

Day 17- Things that make you scared
I'm not scared of many things, but a few things make me cringe.
~ Excessive amounts of blood (I've been known to pass out)
~ Heights
~ Spiders
~ Failure (Because what reasonable person is comfortable with disappointing people who are counting on them)

Day 18- Disrespecting parents
This is actually an interesting topic, because I believe that you can yell and argue with your parents as much as you want to at home, but as soon as you let it carry over into how you treat them around your friends, you've gone too far. I see a lot of kids my age who take their parents for granted, and expect to be waited on hand and foot, and who nearly freak out when things don't go exactly their way. I know how hard my parents work, and I hope someday that I can show them how much it means to me. #softblogmonday

Day 19- Something that never fails to make you feel better
If someone else has to make me feel better, my good friends Ben and Jerry typically do pretty quick work. But if I'm feeling pretty bummed out, I usually take a shower, write about it, and try to let it go. A vent session with a friend is also pretty productive.

Day 20- The last argument you had
The last argument I had was actually pretty dumb. It was on the road trip home, when I was reading a book. My sister, who is going into 7th grade, claimed that she had read the book I was currently reading. Knowing that it was outside of her reading level, I argued that there was no way that she could have, and we "discussed" the book for around 15 minutes. I won.

Day 21- Something you can't seem to get over
I can't seem to get over how Harry Potter is actually over. I sat around for years, waiting for these books and movies to come out, and now there won't be anything else coming out. The books will stand alone, but there will be no more nervous anticipation, no more waiting for a new plotline to come out.

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