Sunday, October 28, 2012

Halloween Haunts and Deep Thoughts

So if this comes off as a rage about Halloween, that's because it is. Halloween has always been one of my least favorite holidays, just because of the sheer stupidness of traditions that take place. For kids, Halloween is a time to dress up like your favorite superhero, your favorite celebrity, or character from movies and books. It's a time to show your imagination and a time to get free candy while having fun. As a kid, picking out my Halloween costume was probably one of the best things ever. When I was around 5 years old, I was Po from the Tellitubbies, and I remember loving it.
 But as you get older, Halloween becomes a showing of who has the biggest boobs or who can wear the shortest skirt or lowest cut shirt. It's become completely obsessed with sexuality, which bothers me. I understand wanting to go to a party feeling like your best self, but your best self shouldn't also be your least dressed self.
Today I also saw Perks of Being a Wallflower, which stars Emma Watson, and there were a few lines that were very powerful. My personal favorite line in the whole movie was either "and in that moment, we were infinite" or "we accept the love we think we deserve" The idea of a singular moment being able to have so much power over the way we think and are is amazing. The idea that a moment can hold all of the thoughts and feelings that we have inside of us, and just release them all and feel so infinite.
So that's enough deep thoughts for the day. That was just a movie that made me think. If you have a spare 45 minutes or so, I highly recommend you watch Minnesota Nice, a student-produced documentary about bullying in Minnesota. It's very powerful, and honestly made me cry once or twice, and definitely made me more conscious of the things I say to other people.

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