Monday, July 15, 2013

Day 28: My Happy Month and Day 29: A Picture of Me

Day 28- The month I was happiest this year and why

Well, so far this year January rocked, because I had a ski trip that was one of the highlights of my high school experience. We skiied on a really tough course, but outside the race, it was incredible. Our trails were right next to downhill hills, and one night we snagged some lunch trays, hiked up to the top of the hill, and sledded down on lunch trays. It hurt to fall off the tray, but it was beautiful up there. When we got up to the summit, we laid down and looked at the stars, completely silent. It was beautiful, and there was this tangible hanging silence, and those are my favorite types of silences. 

February was no fun because I didn't get put on the Sections team, even though I'm 4th on my team. It was still okay to support my team, but I wish I could've skiied the course. The sweethearts dance was pretty fun because I like getting all dolled up (:

March was my choir tour to Chicago and my trip to Spain, both of which were amazing. I bonded with so many new people on both trips, and I feel so blessed to have had the opportunity to go on both trips. I learned so much in Spain, because I've never been out of the country, and it was absolutely gorgeous. I also took the ACT in March, and that went better than expected, so March was a pretty good time for me. 

April and May were both remarkably uneventful, full of school and studying and periodic stress related mental breakdowns (you know, the usual). 

June was the end of junior year, my birthday, a lot of thinking about my future, and kind of a stressful month. 

Overall, I'd say March was my happiest month, although January comes in a close second. 

Day 29- A Picture of Me (or a few)
My two main girls and I at Sadie's (our theme dance), I'm the one in the middle 

When I was a young girl, apparently I used to be kind of cute, I'm curious what happened 

Because I can't just post a picture of myself and I'm always in costume. This probably points to a psychological issue about how I'm guarded or something. This is me and my sister a few years ago on Halloween, pre flow chop

And to round out the day, who doesn't have a selfie while rolled in a rug?!

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